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Vuosikokous 24.10. Klo 18.00 

Paikka: WasaInnovationCenter (Bocks Panimon takana). 

Årsmöte 24.10. Kl 18 

Plats: WasaInnovationCenter (bakom Bock’s Brewery)

Annual meeting 24.10. 6 pm 

Place: WasaInnovationCenter (behind  Bock’s Brewery)

Yhdistyksen vuosikokouksessa käsitellään seuraavat sääntömääräiset asiat:

Vid föreningens årsmöte behandlas följande stadgeenliga ärenden:

At the annual meeting of the Association, the following statutory matters are discussed:

1. Kokouksen avaus

2. Valitaan kokouksen puheenjohtaja, sihteeri, kaksi pöytäkirjantarkistajaa ja tarvittaessa kaksi ääntenlaskijaa.

3. Todetaan kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus.

4. Hyväksytään kokouksen työjärjestys.

5. Esitetään tilinpäätös, vuosikertomus ja tilintarkastajien lausunto.

6. Päätetään tilinpäätöksen vahvistamisesta ja vastuuvapauden myöntämisestä hallitukselle ja muille vastuuvelvollisille.

7. Vahvistetaan toimintasuunnitelma, tulo- ja menoarvio, päätetään liittymis- ja jäsenmaksuista sekä toimihenkilöiden palkkioista.

8. Valitaan hallituksen puheenjohtaja kahdeksi (2) toimikaudeksi.

9. Valitaan seuraavaksi kahdeksi (2) toimikaudeksi kolme (3) hallituksen jäsentä erovuoroisten tilalle.

10. Valitaan kaksi (2) varajäsentä seuraavaksi toimikaudeksi.

11. Valitaan yksi tai kaksi tilintarkastajaa ja heille varatilintarkastajat.

1. Mötets öppnande

2. Val av mötets ordförande, sekreterare, två protokolljusterare och vid behov två rösträknare.

3. Mötets laglighet och beslutförhet konstateras.

4. Föredragningslistan för mötet godkänns.

5. Bokslutet, årsberättelsen och revisorernas utlåtande presenteras.

6. Beslut om fastställande av bokslutet och beviljande av ansvarsfrihet till styrelsen och andra ansvarsskyldiga.

7. Verksamhetsplanen, budgeten samt anslutnings- och medlemsavgifternas storlek samt funktionärernas arvoden fastställs.

8. Val av styrelseordförande för två (2) verksamhetsperioder.

9. Val av tre (3) styrelsemedlemmar för följande två (2) verksamhetsperioder att ersätta dem som står i tur att avgå.

10. Val av två (2) suppleanter för följande verksamhetsperiod.

11. Val av en eller två revisorer och deras suppleanter.

1. Opening of the meeting 

2. Election of the chairman, secretary, two scrutineers and, if necessary, two tellers. 

3. To establish the legality and quorum of the meeting. 

4. Approval of the rules of procedure of the meeting. Presentation of the financial statements, the annual report and the auditors' report. 

6. to approve the financial statements and grant discharge to the Board of Directors and the other persons responsible. 

7. to approve the annual accounts and grant discharge to the Board of Directors and the other persons responsible. Adoption of the programme of activities, the budget, membership and subscription fees and the remuneration of the officers. 

8. To elect the Chairman of the Board for a two (2) term of office. 

9. Election of three (3) members of the Board of Directors for the next two (2) terms of office to replace the retiring members. 

10. To elect two (2) alternates for the next term of office. 

11. Election of one or two auditors and their deputy auditors.

Terv. /Mvh./Regards


På Svenska Suomeksi

The sauna will be closed from 14.4.2024. The last day to visit the sauna is 13.4. until 22:00.

Construction of the new sauna will start immediately and the area is a construction site. Penguins are not allowed in the area (the dock area is also closed). 

On 14 April our maintenance team will empty the warehouses and put the necessary items in temporary storage. There is a lot of stuff we don't need in the new building. If there is interest in buying some stuff, please contact Jan Svens.  The goods will be sold at a fair price on the condition that the buyer takes them out by himself on 14 April!

The new sauna and locker room building should be ready for the new season. The opening date will be announced on the website and by e-mail.

There will be a regular annual meeting in October. The invitation to the annual meeting will be published on the website and also sent out by email.

As always, the annual meeting will decide on the membership fee for the new season and this also means that the annual meeting will decide on the fee for showers.

The same key tags are used in the new sauna! Since the returned key tags cannot be used again, we are abandoning the pledge system. Each member will claim the key for themselves. The key price for members is 10 EUR. If a member has lost the key he can buy a new key for the same price. A technically broken key (reader not responding) will be replaced free of charge, but a physically broken key will not be replaced free of charge.

The deposit will not be refunded after 5.3.2024 and old keys will no longer be accepted. 

 The Board

Our sauna is mixt (with women and men) and we wear swimming suits.

Alcohol is not allowed in our sauna.

 Vaasan Pingviinit ry. was founded in 1965.

The aim is to promote winter bath (“Polar bear”) as a hobby and connect people having this hobby.

With the help of the City of Vaasa we could build an own sauna, which is situated at the beautiful and central place on the island Hietasaari next to the swimming beach.

The sauna building was finished in 1999. The sauna was renewed in 2009 and regular repairs are done mainly based on volunteer work. 15.4.2024 we will start to build a new Sauna and dressing rooms

Penguins have never been more in Vaasa! We are now over 1300 members and we are happy to take new members at any time.

  • The sauna is open every day between 10 – 22, on Thursdays between 10-23
  • Please note that it is not allowed to consume alcohol in the sauna building or on our terrace. As well as it is not allowed to come to sauna under the influence of alcohol or other narcotics.
  • The membership fee is 100€ (+ new members for the key 10€; a membership year is 1.11 – 31.10).
  • Single visit: You can pay one-time entrance at the door by phone (cost 8,09 EUR / person) . One-time entrance is available Monday-Saturday 10-18.
  • Testing winter bath free is possible Wednesday-Saturday 10-18 if you come to our sauna with a member. Your visit has to be agreed with a member of board.
  • More information see >  ”Prices”

På Svenska Suomeksi